Millions of us have felt lonely during the coronavirus pandemic. As we work together to stay safe and save lives, we may find ourselves spending less time with family, friends or familiar faces - especially if we're shielding or self-isolating.
What to do if you are feeling lonely
Try calling a friend, family member, health professional or counsellor to talk about your feelings
Join an online group or class that focuses on something you enjoy. It could be an exercise class, book club, art class etc.
Try getting our into nature if you can do so safely. Connecting with the outside world can boost your mental health and wellbeing.
This is challenging and sometimes lonely time, but it will pass. There will be lots of hugs, shared pots of tea, parties and celebrations in the future. For now, let's be as kind as possible.
Helping others who might be experiencing loneliness
Check in on people you know who live alone or might not have many relatives or close connections to check in on them.
The acts of kindness and community we saw at the start of the pandemic can still help us today. We've come up with some more ideas for random acts of kindness.
How does loneliness affect our mental health?
Long-term loneliness brings an increased risk of certain mental health problems, including depression, anxiety and increased stress. And having a mental health problem can make you more likely to feel lonely: for example, stigma about your condition may make it hard to open up to others about it, or social anxiety may make it difficult to reach out to others.
If your mental or emotional state quickly gets worse, or you're worried about someone you know - help is available. You're not alone; talk to someone you trust. Sharing a problem is often the first step to recovery.
